I have been wanting to compose this post for a while now, however have been wondering about the topic of the post. In the want of writing on the most relevant topic and not finding one, I was resigned to the search of that elusive topic. However I was taken by surprise while going through some of the blogs I visit regularly, people have gone ahead and posted what would very well qualify as a 'tweet'. It got me wondering, do I end up delaying an act with the desire to present it in the best possible manner and slowly let the fizz out of the entire act. I have told myself in absolutely the strongest possible language, resulting in shrugging off the laziness and the reason of 'lack of time' to finally come up with this post.
I have finally managed to post during 'office hours', I will return to my work, but I promise that the frequency of posts will only improve - whether you like it or not!
Yea quite true. I have the same problem, I keep waiting till I really have something to say.
@ S - Your frequency of blogging is commendable, at times I am lost for explanation when people question my 'lack of time/ inability to post' whenever I cite work schedules as the reason. Hopefully from now on, I care less and just go ahead and post!
Err Blog/Tweet/Weep (?), All the same at the end of the day :).. Sometimes a blog is a nice way apart from tweets n gtalk status msgs to let out some really good steam
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